
The What? The Church.

Imagine this.

God props His feet up. "Hmm. ...and then Jesus will ascend back into heaven, the Holy Spirit will descend upon the people, and I'll need an entity to tell the whole world the good news and to bring about My kingdom on the earth. I'll call that entity the church."

Really God? The church?

I don't know about you, but as I look around at "the church", I'm thinking that this can't be what God intended: a bunch of people sitting around on Sunday morning before grabbing lunch and watching football. Does "church" matter? What if we ask people outside the club: "Does church matter?" I bet I know what they'll say.

Just a thought, what if as the "church" we started doings things that mattered, instead of just doing 'what we do'. A revolutionary thought, don't you think.

If you could never attend another worship service, how would you go about being the church? This week, how could you go about showing someone outside the church that the church matters?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Difficult assignment my friend, but I think ultimately a revealing one.. Hope Virginia treats you well!